

About a Character Assassination Of @Shoq Value (aka Matt Edelstein)

And Index of information and exhibits for the public record
Curators: Various Shoq Supporters and Bloggers                Short Link to this Page:

Introduction:  The Backstory In Brief

On August 6th, an assault was launched on Shoq’s name and reputation on Twitter, which had simmered below the radar until a Twitter user named Jessica Delahunty (@vdaze) wrote a blog post where an 8 month old voice mail message—which Shoq freely admitted publicly was inappropriate and wrong— and included a link to a rather nutty and completely undocumented smear site created allegedly by some other woman claiming shoq @abused her too years ago (in ways not very convincingly articulated or documented). Most people, including @vdaze always knew they site was actually the work of people mentioned, or connected to those mentioned below.
     The @vdaze blog post was designed to use such highly selective evidence, together with her “story of feeling intimidated by @shoq’s well known “loud” verbal style,” the illusion that Shoq had some enormous issue with women, and in fact often “bullied them.” This was cynically designed to echo and resonate with a nearly 3 year old similar campaign by the blogger @Gottalaff, whom @vdaze herself had once helped @shoq to discredit, as her whispered charges were never evidenced by anything but claims that @shoq once hurt her feelings.  

     All of these stories are connected and borrow from many origins, grudges. and political beefs, but never before have they be wilfully synced up in a campaign actively promoted by several friends of @vdaze who were, up until recently, friends of @shoq, as well.  Foremost among these former friends were Imani Gandy (aka @angryblacklady), an attorney, and at some point, a legal associate and personal friend Darshann Simon Padilla (aka @honeybadgerLA), and attorney now living in Colorado.  Padilla had been a brief romantic partner of @shoq’s that @angryblacklady had introduced him to during one of many break-ups with @vdaze. Both attorneys, perhaps not coincidentally, are actively engaged in trying to promote themselves and fundraise as women’s rights advocates. 


     Since this page was started, the real motivation for this false narrative and smear campaign was revealed is summarized in this post by Matt Osborne: The Streisand Effect: Synopsis of a Twitter Drama.  This hasn't stopped @vdaze from obsessing almost every day about her little subplot in this bizarre narrative. She tweets my followers or badgers me in any way she can virtually every day. You see, that's what "abused" women do. They harass the man they claim they were abused by. Get it?  Makes so much sense, right? Just follow her and see for yourself.  Do you see a healthy person trying to get on with her life, or someone fixated on lashing out so long as her cheering section showers her with attention and plaudits?  I will be putting up some examples of this fixation here, mostly so people see that it's not me driving her ongoing obsession. It's she and her strange friends.


Background Articles

All of these posts have overlapping and intersecting information by different bloggers, but all reveal important aspects and impacts in their own right. We urge you to read them all.  




Examples of Attacks, Past and Present


  @vdaze — Jessica Delahunty, Baltimore, MD   Cast details



   @HoneyBadgerLA, @angryBlackLady, @vdaze (Jessica) Cast details



Harassment of Shoq's Followers and Supporters



Hashtag and Tweet Campaigns

Note: There have been tens of thousands of tweets about this smear campaign. Picking almost any name from any of the exhibits below, and the searching “Shoq and @TheirName” at a site like will show you all you need to know about how intensely these people have worked this “Shoq abuser meme” for most of August and September (2012).  But in many cases, it will also show that these same names have  BEEN attacking Shoq for several years. This latest vdaze abuse narrative is merely their latest pretext for these attack (many which have political origins, as well as simply “defenders of @Gottalaff or @NicoleSandler” roots.

Note: Many of these are real top topsy searches, and many of the offenders, especially @HoneybadgerLA, @miltshook, @angryblacklady and others have deleted many of their tweets before a permanent multi-page archive could be saved.  But some screenshots and archives exist, and they will be posted here as time permits. Naturally, the originals can and may be requested by court order. If @angryblackLady and @honeybadgerLA, both attorneys and officers of the court wish to publicly lie about posting anything shown here faithfully, such statements will be added to the record.  

Update: I have still not had time to replace the links below with the stored archives, but will soon be adding them to a database (11/20/2012). If you need them, ask and I can send them as zip files.


Note2: HoneybadgerLA changed her twitter account name, since this post was made and many of her posts vanished. She has since restored it, but her posts never came back. Most of them are screen grabbed here. 


Supporters Speaking Up



   Supportive Posts By Misc. Bloggers



Shoq’s Posts



Important Documents



The Major Cast Members

Note: Information here is publicly disclosed by the parties, except where not available or published.


Supporting Cast Members  - aka The Twitter Brigade


The Nucleus group

These are the people who have organized this campaign, or have been central to perpetuating it daily


The Point People 

These people engage in the attacks almost daily, for whatever neurotic or obsessive motives compel them


The Echo Chamber

Followers, sychophants and trolls who RT and/or echo the Nucleus and Point people almost daily (or hourly)


The Conversative Bloggers

The right wing extremists who have plenty of political reasons to perpetuate this pointl






"Even with reduced anonymity, cyber-bullying is unlikely to subside. People can be forced to confront their actions, but they cannot be forced to feel ashamed. This deficit of empathy, which endures even when its cruel consequences are revealed, is what should concern us most. "


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